Project Details

Secondary Education Development Program (SEDP), Ministry of Education
Narrative description of Project:
The purpose of this assignment is to support the Government of Bangladesh to design a web-based reporting system for the SEDP Program Coordination Unit (PCU), which will ensure more efficiency, speed, and reliability of payment and financial management processes in SEDP. The developed reporting system will replace some of the current manual systems and put in place some new ones. It will also generate better awareness of the SEDP interventions among the stakeholders and help achieve the program objectives. Through this assignment, financial efficiency, monitoring, and inclusion of beneficiaries under TSERO and SEDP are likely to be improved. The PCU will also be substantially strengthened through this improved reporting system.
(i) Financial Accounting report of SEDP as per the prescribed program document format (based on iBAS data) (ii) A website for SEDP containing necessary features and external linkages ( (iii) Grievance redress template as agreed between the GoB and IDA