Other Projects

Client Name : Friends Book Corner Ltd.
Project Title : Web-Based sales, Inventory accounts and publications for Friends Book Corner (FBC)
Project URL : http://fbc.promiti.net
Completion Year: October, 2019
1. Web-Based Educational Materials Purchase. Inventory and Sales. 2. Web-Based Book Publication Process. 3. Accounting Management System Details

Client Name : SQ Group SQ Wire & Cable Co. Ltd and SQ Trading
Project Title : SQ Group
Project URL : http://erp.sqgroupbd.com/
Completion Year: December, 2017
Development of customized software for the following Modules: 1. Production Work Flow Management System 2. Sales Management System. 3. Development of Accounting System for SQ Group 4. Development of Trading Management System for S Q Trading. Details

Client Name : Independent Television
Project Title : Independent Television
Completion Year: December, 2011
1. Visitor Management System. 2. Cafeteria Management System. 3. Meeting Room Management System.